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Team sports? Yes! Why?

Maša, Maj and Luka have written about their experience with sport training and playing in a school team. They all train different sports. You are invited to read their articles.

foto by Matjaž Bajec: the school team of futsal in Ilirska Bistrica

Alenka Nikšič

Volleyball is one of my favourite sports to me and I really enjoy playing it because it’s a fast and dynamic sport with a soft bouncy ball. I chose volleyball because it’s great fun to play and I enjoy playing sports that are similar to volleyball. To be good at volleyball you have to train quite a lot and you have to be committed to this sport.

It’s ok to do sports just for fun because you move and stretch your body and limbs and you can also have friends there. Sport strengthens your body and you do something good for yourself.

Being in a school team is a very good thing and fun and an amazing experience. The way of training in my club is quite the same, but in school we train less. Overall I am very happy to be in a school team because I have got a lot of friends there.

In sports you also have to be competitive, because if you aren’t you won’t succeed and improve yourself at what you do.

Maj Golob Frank, 7.c

Handball is like home to me. I feel good while playing. I feel free. I chose handball so I don’t feel bored and for me to do something good for my health.

It is very important to train it. You could do it for fun but it is a very hard sport. You need to know all the actions in it and you cannot just run around.

For us to make a school team means that people that play for our school also train in the club. It is different because not everyone is good at it and we don’t have every player we play in the club with. I am happy to be in a school team. It means a lot even if we loose.

Maša Borković, 8.a

Sport means fun and moving my body. It helps me feel strong and happy. Playing sports with friends makes me smile a lot.

I chose football because it brings joy and excitement into my life. The teamwork and strategy involved make it an unforgettable experience. Training football is important because it helps you to get better at the game. It makes you stronger, faster and more skilled. Training not only adds more fun to football but also makes you a more confident and capable player.

Making the school football team means a lot to me. It’s like being part of a special family at school. The experience is different from my club because it is about representing my school, feeling the support of classmates and creating memorable moments with friends from my class.

Luka Mihevec, 9.a

(Skupno 202 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)

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