The World of Music, students from 7th to 9th class
In the photos you can see Martin Matkovič playing the piano. Photo by Janko Lipovšek. Do you like music? What does music mean to you? I like listening to it. I play the piano...
In the photos you can see Martin Matkovič playing the piano. Photo by Janko Lipovšek. Do you like music? What does music mean to you? I like listening to it. I play the piano...
V sredo 29.5. se je s finalnim turnirjem na OŠ Antona Martina Slomška zaključila letošnja sezona DP OŠ v košarki 3×3. Na turnirju je sodelovalo 16 fantovskih in 12 dekliških ekip iz vse Slovenije,...
Maša, Maj and Luka have written about their experience with sport training and playing in a school team. They all train different sports. You are invited to read their articles. foto by Matjaž Bajec:...
V sedmem razredu se pri pouku večkrat srečamo z zgodovinskim obdobjem antiko in vsem, kar je povezano z njo. V decembru pa smo temu obdobju namenili več časa, saj je bila to tudi krovna...
V letošnjem šolskem letu smo v pouk od 6. do 9. razreda vključili novost – tematske dni, ki smo jih izpeljali pri različnih predmetih. Na začetku decembra smo v 6. razredih ustvarjali na temo...
The pupils had to write about countryside and good sides of it and about the town and good sides of it. They also had to write about the place where they live, whether they...
The pupils had to write on the topics: how shopping and ecology are connected, how we should shop to be nicer to our environment and how their family shops showing that it cares about...
The pupils from 9th class have been thinking on the topic of the quote: “ The limits of my language are the limits of my world.” They have also written about their experiences with...
What do teenagers think about Artificial Intelligence (AI)? They have written how AI is already influencing our lives. They have compared how people learnt in the past and how we learn today and they...
Čudovit dan za čudovito doživetje. V petek, 6. 10. 2023, smo se devetošolci odpravili v Pionirski dom Ljubljana. Delavnice so potekale v štirih skupinah. Letošnje leto so nam pokazali osnove francoščine, ruščine in kitajščine....