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9th graders: Health

Health is wealth. Don’t you agree? Health is very important. We can often hear: »I wish you to be healthy in New Year!« or »If only we are healthy, we will arrange everything else by ourselves.« What does our 9th class think about health? I have chosen the compositions by Lara, Matevž and Katka. Lara was so kind to share with us her photo.

AG Nikšič

Health is one of the most important things in life. I think that we don’t even realize how much it means to be healthy until ourselves ,or one in the familiy, get sick. 

Health is greatly influenced by the environment in which we live, that we move a lot, how and when we eat and how we see ourselves. If you are not mentaly positive you will easier get sick. Lot of move will get you better resistence and that we know how to relax from too much of stress. 

Health destroys improper diet, insufficient movement, mental state, the lack of contact with people.

Now when it’s corona time, it’s most important that we take care of hygiene. We can’t have a lot of contacts with others and that we wear masks. Yes, I always wear a mask and have safety distance. 

My dad had corona virus in November. He got it in a lighter form. Me and my mom, fortunately we were not positive on COVID. It was very difficult for me, that we were locked inside for two weeks and we live in flat. I’m that person that is always outside with my horse and dog. I’m verry happy that I have them in this situation. 

School for me is difficult in this way. It’s better because I can longer sleep but first two weeks it was ok, now I don’t even have a little of motivation.  It’s verry unhealthy that we spend a lot of time on computer. 

Lara, 9.a

There are two sorts of health. Physical health and mental health. Both of them are very important in our lives and they are very connected.

Physical health speaks about eating good and healthy food, working out, breathing fresh air, having enough sleep, immune system and no diseases… Mental health speaks about something else. Mental health speaks about mindset, being optimistic, no mental diseases like depression…

In the time of pandemic it is very important to stay healthy. In my opinion we are losing motivation during lockdowns. This leads to the lack of sport activities, eating unhealthy. We are watching Netflix for almost a whole day or playing video games, we can’t hang out with friends, girlfriends, boyfriends enough…

But what can we do in order to stay healthy. Well I think it is a very good idea to make yourself some rules to follow like ‘’I will workout or go for a walk every day, I will attend all the online classes I have, I will help my younger brother or sister with school if needed, I will contact my friend that I don’t see often during pandemic or maybe send him/her a text…’’ You can make yourself as many rules as you like but most important is to follow them. 

It is hard but it is possible.

Matevž, 9.c

For me, being healthy means to take care of myself, to take care for my body. But the most important thing is to be healthy in your spirit. Because if you are stressed and sad because of school or work and very tired you can not be very healthy. Even if you eat healthy food and run or walk every day your spirit and your mind is tired.  

Your mind and your spirit supports health a lot. If one of this things get destroyed all the balance in your body collapse.  

What helps me not to get corona, are just staying home, wear mask in public and walk with my dog and get some fresh air. But I do not like to wear mask. I think they are useless and we produce even more trash. I am wearing a mask just because of others, that even if I have corona and I do not know that, and go in public I can protect other people.  

I know my class mate had corona, but he did not die from it.  

For me it is not healthy to work from home, because I sit on the chair all the time and watch in the computer. We can not have some fun with friends and have sleepovers, we have to be in our houses all the time. I can not even see my sister and my brother. I really hate corona and I can not wait that this comes to an end.  

Katka, 9.b

(Skupno 126 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)

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